Top 10 Over-hyped Poll

1. Texas 2. Pittsburgh 3. Texas Tech 4. The Big East 5. UCLA 6. Georgia Tech 7. Washington 8. BYU 9. Oregon St. 10. The ACC

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This Smells Like Poo!

Today, Cam Newton was cleared by the NCAA to play without any conditions surrounding his eligibility.  In their release, the NCAA did admit that Cam's father attempted to shop his son to another school.  Wait dad tried to sell son, and probably did, but he is ok to play?  If this does not stink like poo then my newborn daughters pampers smell like roses!

Really?  Didn't USC just go on probation for things Reggie Bush's parents did?  Things that Reggie supposedly had no knowledge of.  USC is paying dearly for "Reggie's parents",  yet Cam Newton is clean as a silk sheet at a 5 star hotel.   And he knew nothing of this?  "Sure dad decide my future.  Send me anywhere you want.  I know you are doing it, simply out of the kindness of your heart."  "Who cares where I want to go?"  Give me a break!  The kid can't be that dumb to think daddy did not have anything illegal going on.  Wait this is also the same kid who cheated in entry level college classes.  Maybe he is that dumb!  The NCAA made an example of USC.  Why?  Because they are from the west coast, plain and simple!

So wait, Dez Bryant can't work out with Deion Sanders, but Cam Newton's father can try to sell him?  A coach can't give a kid a ride or buy him a burger, but you can attempt (i think it was more than an attempt) to sell your son's services?

What would have happened to Cam Newton if he was the QB at Arkansas State?  He would have been ruled ineligible and the school would have been given the death penalty!

Wait again! Let me get this straight.  You can cheat if you are playing for a National Title contender, but not a little guy!  Why is this that the NCAA clears Cam Newton?  Is it because they don't want to see TCU play in the title game and possibly win the title?  I think so!  If TCU won a National Title the BCS would die a quick, yet painful death. 

And then there is the Milton McGregor dilemma.  Rumors float around that he rigged slot machines to pay out Auburn football players.  They went to the casino, played some slots, collected their winnings, and walked out with ZERO paper trail. 

Something at Auburn stinks right now and it ain't Cam Newton's dirty jock strap!

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