Top 10 Over-hyped Poll

1. Texas 2. Pittsburgh 3. Texas Tech 4. The Big East 5. UCLA 6. Georgia Tech 7. Washington 8. BYU 9. Oregon St. 10. The ACC

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Murderer's Row!!!!!

Seriously, what kind of drugs would one have to be on to actually believe this stuff?  What stuff you might ask?  The quote that Ohio State University President Gordon Gee made in a recent ESPN story.

"I do know, having been both a Southeastern Conference president and a Big Ten president, that it's like murderer's row every week for these schools. We do not play the Little Sisters of the Poor. We play very fine schools on any given day."

Has he bothered to take a look at the Ohio St. schedule this year?

Eastern Michigan

Yeah sounds like murderers row to me!  I bet every school in America is afraid of that schedule!  Ohio State is the only school with enough balls to play it!
And then there are Miami, Penn St., and Michigan who are nowhere near as good as they were back in the 80s when Gordon Gees drug addiction started.  Wait, they do play that mighy Michign program that beat Massachusets by 5 points!  Yeah, you play the toughest schedule around Mr. Gee.  You keep believing that!  You might want to lay off the dope and join the rest of us in the 21st century!

The truth:  Ohio St. has had to play two big games all year.  Yes, two teams currently ranked!  How many will Boise play? TWO, just like Ohio St.!!!!!!!!!

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